A safe place where your stress and worries simply melt away, relieving aches and pains, recharging and revitalizing your mind, body and soul, leaving you relaxed and inspired.
About Gaby Serretiello

Licensed Massage Therapist | Reiki Master
Magnified Healing Teacher | Flower Essence Therapist
Coming from a family of Doctors, Gaby soon felt drawn to the healing field. She was always taught the importance of a preventive care carefully choosing a healthy and nutritious lifestyle. She has studied and practiced different philosophies and healing techniques and volunteered in Spiritual Healing in Dr Goldenberg's Transcendental Group Saint Germain Force. She started her massage therapy studies journey with a reflexology course in 1991 and integrative massage course in 1992.

After that, nothing could stop her for wanting to learn more and more techniques to help people heal from the inside out. She became a Reiki Master teacher & practitioner in 2004, a Magnified Healing Teacher & practitioner in 2006 and graduated in Naturopathy at Holistic Humaniversity in 2005. She is also a Flower Essence therapist.
Gaby graduated as a Massage Therapist in the USA in 2016. She calls her work: Massage therapy of the New Consciousness because she focuses the healing on the body - mind - spirit connection. Her goal is to help people recognize and connect to that powerful place within that knows how to take control and get back on track.
“ I truly believe each healing modality has a unique way to release misqualified energies in our bodies and bring it back to balance.”
Treatments & Prices

Deep Tissue
Deep tissue massage is an umbrella term to incorporate different modalities to correct postural imbalances in the body that cause injury. It improves blood pressure, breaks up scar tissue, rehabilitates injured muscles and relieves stress.
1hour Deep Tissue
90 min Deep Tissue

Lymphatic Massage
Lymphatic massage, also called lymphatic drainage, is a technique developed in Germany for treatment of lymphedema, an accumulation of fluid that can occur after lymph nodes are removed during surgery.
1hour Lymphatic Massage $90.00
90 minute Lymphatic Massage $130.00 ​

Cupping is a suction technique that pulls blood to the region where it is placed, also pulling toxins build up in muscles spasm from the body's deeper tissue to the surface of the skin. ​
30 minute Cupping with light massage $45.00
1Hour Cupping
with light massage $90.00

Reiki is an ancient healing technique of laying on hands using Universal Life Energy channeled through the practitioner to the recipient, helping to release stress, relax and promote harmony and balance to the body, mind and spirit.
1hour Reike Session
90 min
Cranial Sacral Therapy $130.00

Cranio Sacral
is a gentle, noninvasive form of bodywork that addresses the bones of the head, spinal column and sacrum. The goal is to release compression in those areas, regulating the flow of cerebrospinal fluid which alleviates stress and pain.
1hour Cranio Sacral
90 minute Cranio Sacral

Hot Stones
The stone massage is a form of alternative medicine massage therapy and bodywork involving the placement of a number of either heated or cooled stones to the body for the purpose of pain relief, relaxation and therapy..
1hour Hot Stones
90min Hot Stones

Floral Therapy
Flower remedies are an alternative or complementary treatment that is used for emotional problems and pain. They're made out of watered-down extracts from the flowers of wild plants.
Floral Therapy Consultation
30ml Flower Remedy Formula
15ml Flower Remedy Formula

They are the essence of a plant, a gift from the earth, distilled and prepared for you to bring the power of nature into your life. Every oil is held to the highest possible level of purity.It also bring wellness, health, and hope.
Reach out for more details